Sensitive skin can vary from dry, itchy, irritated skin, to more serious conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and rosacea. At Grace, we understand that having sensitive skin can make it difficult for you to find skincare without fear of a reaction or hypersensitivity. That's why we have created our Sensitive Skin range, just for you!
Your sensitive skincare routine should focus on retaining moisture, which makes Aloe Vera the perfect ingredient as it is highly nourishing and extremely gentle. Our Sensitive Skin Basics is your perfect first stop on the journey to healthy, nourished skin. If you are ready to take your skincare up a level, then the Sensitive Skin Plus is the set for you.
Sensitive Skin Basics
Your skincare routine should always include the basics. Once you have the daily building blocks solidified, add in your treatment products. Treatment products accelerate your skin rejuvenation, but they will not be as effective without your basics. Here are three simple, yet transformative steps designed to bring your skin back to its healthiest core.
Sensitive Skin Plus
Ready to level up your skincare game and accelerate your skin transformation? Here's your basic three-step with your treatment product added, the Vital Skin Oils.
"My skin is super sensitive & can get quite dry now - so using gentle, natural products has helped my skin maintain moisture & the Aloe Vera used in the products minimises irritation that can occur easily while using such a strong medication. I honestly couldn't speak more highly of this brand, the team behind it & their products." Elise - NSW
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